How will G.T.’s commitment to Health and Safety support success and drive your project’s bottom line?
Diamond drilling is a versatile and efficient method of creating holes or openings in hard materials,. These can range from reinforced concrete through to delicate terrazzo flooring. Increasingly Project Managers, Surveyors and Principle Contractors are recognising the benefits of using diamond cutting techniques as opposed to traditional systems for the removal of concrete and other construction materials. Infinitely faster than traditional processes, utilising diamond drilling techniques makes an immediate impact on the bottom line.
The increased focus on the responsibilities of designers, contractors, commercial and domestic clients to coordinate the health & safety of projects brought about by the introduction of CDM (2015), have only brought into sharp relief the challenge in obtaining reliable information regarding the exposure to vibration experienced by sub-contracted personnel. It is widely accepted that using Diamond Drilling & Cutting techniques are the safest and most efficient methods when changes are needed to hard materials like concrete and stone. The machines that G.T. use have amongst the lowest vibration magnitude available, however our clients need to be assured that this is indeed the case and that trigger times don’t exceed the HSE guidelines.
G.T. has always proactively monitored the vibration experienced by our operatives. More recently we have taken steps to ensure that this information is even more accurate and easier to obtain. Havmeter is a continuous monitoring system which measures the HSE points accumulated during the operation of vibrating plant based on the plant’s magnitude. By testing our plant’s actual vibration emissions to ISO 10816 standards, under ‘real life’ conditions, we are confident that the exposure levels experienced by our operatives is as low as possible and is a true record of their work. The Havmeter monitoring encourages operators to become pro-active, actively looking for tool/job rotation or better planning of shifts etc. The Reactec Analytics Platform supports reduction activity making what was once difficult or inaccurate, reasonable and practical.
Hand & Arm Vibration
Accurate monitoring can help to more accurately risk assess and help design measures of controls. It also helps to support the continuous improvement cycle – to constantly reduce exposure.
Donwload the latest FAQ relating to the HSE Guidelines on Vibration from Reactec here
- Clients, CDM coordinators, Designers, Principle Contractors & Small Builders & Workers
- Plan – Your overall strategy
- Identify – The health hazards linked to work
- Assess – The significance of these hazards
- Involve – workers in managing health risks
- Prevent – Risks before work starts
- Control – The remaining risks
- Train – The workers
- Supervise – The workers
- Maintain – Records
- Monitor – To ensure controls are effective
- Health Assessment – Of workers at risk
- Act – To correct any problem
The Environment
At GT we care about the impact our operations have on the environment and the community of stakeholders within it. Investment into improving our performance in this area is ultimately good for business and for our partners. We are constantly looking at ways in which we can better protect our staff and improve sustainable productivity.
The Slurry Fox
Diamond Drilling and Sawing can use a lot of water and disposal of the waste can be a real headache. The used water is full of concrete powder and If not dealt with responsibly this can cause major environmental hazards by blocking drains. The ‘Slurry Fox’ is an elegant solution to a big problem.